
Basilicae minores

This list contains places where a Roman Catholic church with the title Basilica minor is depicted on a glass of this collection.

Countries: | Austria | Brasil | Croatia | Czech Republic | France | Germany | Hungary | Italy | Luxembourg | Netherlands | Poland | Puerto Rico | Romania | Slovenia | Spain | Switzerland | United States of America |


    Absam: Parish and pilgrimage church Sankt Michael (since 2000)
    Attnang-Puchheim: Pilgrimage church Maria Puchheim (Our Lady of Perpetual Help) (since 1951)
    Frauenkirchen: Basilika Maria auf der Heide (Our Lady on the Heath) (since 1990)
    Graz: Basilika Maria Trost (Our Lady on Consolation) (since 1990)
    Innsbruck: Parish church and basilica of our Lady of the Immaculate Conception (since 1957)
    Klosterneuburg: Monastery and parish church Unsere Liebe Frau (Our Lady) (since 1936)
    Linz: Pilgrimage church Sieben Schmerzen Mariä (Our Lady of the Seven Dolours) (since 1964)
    Loretto: Pilgrimage church Maria Loretto (Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception) (since 1997)
    Maria Dreieichen: Pilgrimage church Schmerzhafte Mutter Gottes (Maria Dreieichen) (Our Sorrowful Mother) (since 1957)
    Maria Plain: Basilika Maria Plain (since 1951)
    Maria Taferl: Pilgrimage and parish church Schmerzhafte Muttergottes (Our Lady of Sorrows) (since 1947)
    Mariazell: Basilika Mariä Geburt (Nativity of Our Lady) (since 1908)
    Mondsee: Former monastery church Sankt Michael (since 2005)
    Rankweil: Basilica of the Visitation of Our Lady (since 1985)
    Sankt Florian: Monastery church of Sankt Florian (since 1999)
    Sonntagberg: Pilgrimage church of the Holy Trinity and St. Michael (Basilika Sonntagberg) (since 1964)



    Zadar: Cathedral of St. Anastasia (Katedrala sv. Stošije) (since 1867)
    Zagreb: Basilica of the Sacred Heart (Bazilika Srca Isusova) (since 1941)

Czech Republic

    Frýdek-Místek: Pilgrimage church of the Visitation of Our Lady (kostel Nanebevzetí Panny Marie) (since 1999)
    Hostýn: Pilgrimage church Svatý Hostýn (since 1982)
    Praha: Basilica of St. Peter and Paul (kostel svatého Petra a Pavla) (since 2003)
    Svatý Kopecek: Pilgrimage church Svatý Kopecek (Holy Hill) (since 1995)
    Velehrad: Former monastery church Assumption of Our Lady and Saints Cyril and Methodius (since 1928)


    Chartres: Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Chartres (since 1908)
    Lyon: Basilique Notre-Dame de Fourvière (since 1919)
    Paris: Basilique du Sacré-Cœur de Montmartre (since 1919)
    Saint-Avold: Basilique Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Secours (Our Lady of Perpetual Help) (since 1932)
    Strasbourg: Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Strasbourg (since 1892)
    Vion: Notre-Dame-du-Chêne (Our Lady of the Oak) (since 1894)


    Augsburg: Church of St. Ulrich and Afra (since 1937)
    Düsseldorf: Church of St. Lambertus (since 1937)
    Gößweinstein: Pilgrimage basilica Heiligste Dreifaltigkeit (Most Holy Trinity) (since 1948)
    Kempten (Allgäu): Basilica Sankt Lorenz (since 1969)
    Kevelaer: Pilgrimage church of the Assumption of Our Lady (since 1923)
    Konstanz: Münster Unser Lieben Frau (minster church of Our Lady) (since 1955)
    Landshut: Collegiate basilica of St. Martin (since 2001)
    Maria Laach: Abbey church Sankt Maria am See (Our Lady at the Lake) (since 1926)
    Osterhofen: Basilika Altenmarkt (since 1983)
    Speyer: Cathedral of Our Lady and St. Stephen (since 1925)
    Vierzehnheiligen: Pilgrimage church Vierzehnheiligen (Fourteen Saints) (since 1897)
    Walldürn: Pilgrimage church of the Holy Blood (parish church of St. George) (since 1962)
    Weingarten: Basilica St. Martin and Oswald (since 1956)
    Worms: Former cathedral of St. Peter (since 1925)


    Budapest: Pilgrimage church Mária Remete (Our Lady in Recluse) (since 1991)
    Eger: Metropolitan Cathedral Basilica of St. John the Apostle and Evangelist, St. Michael and the Immaculate Conception (since 1970)
    Esztergom: Basilica of Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows (since 1964)
    Máriapócs: Church of St. Michael the Archangel and of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (since 1948)
    Pécs: Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul (since 1991)


    Brixen / Bressanone: Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and Saint Cassian of Imola (since 1956)
    Caravaggio: Santuario di Santa Maria del Fonte (since 1906)
    Como: Cathedral Santa Maria Assunta (Assumption of Our Lady) (since 1951)
    Grado: Basilica Sant' Eufemia (since time immemorial)
    Madonna della Guardia: Santuario di Nostra Signora della Guardia (since 1915)
    Maria Weißenstein / Pietralba: Pilgrimage church of Our Lady (Maria Weißenstin) (since 1985)
    Messina: Cathedral Santa Maria Assunta (since 1947)

The Netherlands



    Gniezno: Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Adalbert (since 1931)
    Kraków: Royal Archcathedral Basilica of Saints Stanislaus and Wenceslaus on the Wawel Hill (since 18th century?)
    Opole: Cathedral of the Holy Cross (since 1934)
    Poznań: Archcathedral Basilica of St. Peter and St. Paul (since 1962)
    Wambierzyce: Pilgrimage church of the Visitation of Our Lady (since 1936)
    Ziębice: Parish church of St. George (since 2008)

Puerto Rico

    San Juan: Metropolitan Cathedral Basilica of Saint John the Baptist (since 1978)


    Radna: Pilgrimage church Maria Radna (since 1992)


    Brezje: Pilgrimage church Marija Pomagaj (Our Lady of Perpetual Help) (since 1988)



United States of America


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