Jihočeský kraj South Bohemia (České Budějovice) region
Okres: Strakonice  



de: Blatna
ru: Блатна

3999 Blatná

1403 Blatná Blatná was first mentioned in a document in 1235, but a settlement and a fortified castle seem to have existed already prior to that date. In 1601 Blatná was chartered as a town. During the Thirty Years' War the town was devastated several times. Economic growth was initiated by the construction at the beginning of the 20th century of the railway line connecting Blatná with the industrial area of Příbram. After World War I Blatná became well-known for the cultivation of roses.

298 Blatná The Romanesque and Gothic parish church Assumption of Our Lady (kostel Nanebevzetí Panny Marie) [left, no. 298: background left] originated in the second half of the 13th century and was rebuilt in 1444–1515. The interior decorations of the church date from the early 18th century. The bell-tower [centre right] was erected in 1723 separate from the church, and was modified in neo-Gothic style after 1834.

The picture on glass no. 1403 [right] shows almost the same view as that on glass no. 298 [left], but in addition depicts a low building to the left of the church tower partly hiding the church. This small building does not exist any more today.

The Lady column (Mariánský sloup) [right, no. 1403: left, barely visible] was erected in 1726.

2293 Blatná 3974 Blatná
Blatná castle [near left, no. 2293, and near right, no. 3974] was probably built sometimes during the first half of the 13th century. At the end of the 14th century the Lords of Rožmitál bought it from the Bavors of Strakonice, and through extensive landscaping changed it into a moated castle. Between 1520 and 1530 the royal architect Benedikt Ried of Piesting built a tall palace with two three-sided, tiered oriels. The size and the shape of the windows of this slender structure suggest the architect's proclivity towards the Renaissance style. The palaces, built later by the Lords of Rozdražov, the Serénys and the Hildprandts, changed the castle into a stately home. In 1850–1856 Blatná castle was rebuilt in English Gothic revival style, which gave it its contemporary looks. The castle is now being restored. It is still open for tourists, together with the magnificent landscape garden.
4374 Blatná [Sources: http://www.zamky-hrady.cz/1/blatna-e.htm, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blatná]

2402 Blatná


The picture on glass no. 2402 [left] shows a view of the civic and municipal schools (Měšťanské a obecné školy), today základní škola J. A. Komenského (Jan Amos Komenský Elementary School), named for the Czech writer and educator John Amos Comenius, bishop of the Unity of the Brethren (Unitas Fratrum, Bohemian Brethren).


Another glass of this collection shows a view of Horní Blatná in western Bohemia.

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