Bundesland: Baden-Württemberg  
Regierungsbezirk: Stuttgart  
Landkreis: Ludwigsburg  



uk: Мундельсгайм ru: Мундельсхайм sr: Мунделсхајм

4751 Mundelsheim 4751 Mundelsheim Mundelsheim is situated at an elevation of 195 m on the right bank of the river Neckar, about 3 km north of the district town Ludwigsburg and about 25 km north of Baden-Württemberg's capital, Stuttgart. The municipality has a population of about 3,500 (2023).

Around the time of Christ's birth around the Neckar valley was populated by the Celts. With the Roman invasion, the area was incorporated into the Roman Empire. Since around 500 AD the place was rules by the Alemanni. The oldest known written document that mentions Mundelsheim dates from 1245. After the disintegration of the Duchy of Swabia the community came into the possession of the Margrave of Baden. In the 13th century, the margraves fieffed it off to the lords of Urbach. In 1422, Mundelsheim obtained the privileges of a town. Because the lords of Urbach participated in many robberies on travelling merchants, the imperial cities Heilbronn and Schwäbisch Hall besieged and looted the town. In 1565 Mundelsheim was sold to the House of Württemberg. Until 1806, Mundelsheim was the seat of a district, which then was incorporated into the district of Beilstein, before being re-allocated in 1807 into that of Marbach. When the latter district was dissolved in 1938 Mundelsheim was placed into the new district Ludwigsburg.

The bottom left picture on glass no. 4751 [left] shows the Kelter, municipal fruit press, which dates back to 1630. In 1849, the municipality purchased the press and enlarged it. In 1903, many of the winegrowers who had previously pressed and processed their wines separately and sold them in their own barrels to foreign traders joined together to form the winegrowers' cooperative that exists today.

The figure depicted in the top left holds a wine glass and shouts "Käsberger her! ('Käsberger here!'). The Käsberg (literally 'cheese mountain') [depicted in the background left] is a single vineyard in Mundelsheim. The name derives from the lime-coloured rocks in the vineyard, which are “cheese-white”. The quality was already rated very highly in the 18th century. The site, which is embedded in the Neckar valley, consists of numerous small terraces. The vineyards, which face southeast to south at 200 to 300 meters above sea level with a slope of 20–70%, cover almost 15 hectares of vineyards on shell limestone soils with clay loam. The varieties Trollinger, Lemberger and Pinot Noir are grown here.

[https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mundelsheim, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mundelsheim#History; https://www.mundelsheim.de/verzeichnis/visitenkarte.php?mandat=101610; https://glossar.wein.plus/kaesberg, https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datei:K%C3%A4sberg,_Neckar,_Mundelsheim_im_Sonnenschein.jpg]

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