région: Grand Est  
département: 67, Bas-Rhin  



de: Oberhofen an der Moder
ru, uk: Обероффен-сюр-Модер

3526 Oberhoffen-sur-Moder Oberhoffen-sur-Moder (in German: Oberhofen an der Moder) is situated at an elevation of 121–142 m on the river Moder, about 7 km southeast of Haguenau in the département Bas-Rhin in the very northeast of the Grand Est region of France. The municipallity has a population of about 3,400 (2015).

During the Middle Ages the village was either an allod of the lords of Lichtenberg or one half an allod of the Lichtenbergs and one half a fief of the bishops of Speyer. After 1480 it was first inherited by the Counts of Zweibrücken-Bitsch, but already in 1570 was inherited by the Counts of Hanau-Lichtenberg. With the politics of reunion of King Louis XIV Oberhofen came under French overlordship. In 1736 the county of Hanau-Lichtenberg was inherited by Hesse-Darmstadt. Since the French Revolution it passed to France. In 1927, the official name (until then Oberhoffen in French and Oberhofen in German) was changed to Oberhoffen-sur-Moder (Oberhofen an der Moder).

The military training area [left, no. 3526] is located just north of the village of Oberhoffen. After the conquest of the Alsace region by Germany in the French-German War of 1870/1871, the German Army sought locations for stationing German troops. The military training area Oberhofen was established in 1872. Frequently, the area was also named after the nearby city of Hagenau (as also in the labeling of glass no. 3526 on the left). Between 1919 and 1940 it was used by the French army. During Worls War II it was captured by the German army in 1940. Heavily damaged in 1945 it fell out of use after World War II. The last remaining ruins were removed in the 1970s. Since 1976 it is again used by the French army (official name Camp militaire d'Oberhoffen).

[https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oberhoffen-sur-Moder, https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oberhoffen-sur-Moder; https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truppenübungsplatz_Oberhofen]

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