Bundesland: Niederösterreich
| Lower Austria
Bezirk: Baden
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Weissenbach an der Triesting
• lt: Tristingo Vaisenbachas
• ru: Вайсенбах-ан-дер-Тристинг
• uk: Вайсенбах-ан-дер-Трістінг
Weissenbach an der Triesting is situated at an elevation of 362 m on the river Triesting in the southern Wienerwald region
of Lower Austria, district Baden. The municipality has a population of about 1,700 (2016);
is cadastral districts are Gadenweith, Neuhaus, Schwarzensee und Weissenbach an der Triesting.
The oldest written mention refering to what today is Weissenbach, is a document of 1146 mentioning the chapel of St. Egyd
in Schwarzensee, castle Neuhaus was mentioned first in 1251, and Weissenbach was first mentioned in 1353.
Along the river, mills and hammer mills were founded in the Middle Ages, the first of which is documented in 1360.
Due to the abundance of water power, a great number of manufactures was founded in the first half of the 19th century; a further
boost for the industrialisation was the opening in 1877 of the railroad, Leobersdorfer Bahn, which connected Leobersdorf
to Sankt Pölten via Wittmannsdorf, Berndorf, Weissenbach-Neuhaus,
Altenmarkt an der Triesting, Kaumberg, Hainfeld
and Sankt Veit an der Gölsen.
In 1971, Neuhaus and Schwarzensee were incorporated into the municipality of Weissenbach.
The municipality obtained the status of a market town in 1981.
The Catholic
Herz-Jesu-Kirche (Sacred Heart Church) was built in 1892–1893 in
neo-Gothic style. It obtained the status of a parish church in 1946.
The building depicted on glass no. 4012 [near left] is labeled
Triestingheim, at the time a popular hotel. The building is adorned with frescos in
Mannerism revival style by the painter Franz Lefler. Today, the building is used as a primary and special school.