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județ Caraș-Severin | Caraș-Severin County |
Reșița is situted at an elevation of 208 m on the river Bârzava in the northwest of the Caraș-Severin County of western Romania.
Reșița is the county capital and as of 2009 had a population of about 83,400.
Archaeological research found traces of habitation going back to the Neolithic, Dacian and Roman eras. Historically, the town has its origins in the 15th century under the name of Rechyoka and Rechycha. It was mentioned in 1673 under the name of Reszinitza, whose citizens paid taxes to Timișoara, and by the years 1690–1700, it was mentioned as being part of the District of Bocșa together with other towns in the Bârzava valley. The town was referenced to in the conscription acts of 1717 under the name of Retziza. From 1771 on, it became an important metal-manufacturing center in the region. The foundation of the industrial Reșița were laid with the establishment of factories near the villages of Reșița Română (Reschiza Kamerală, Wallachisch-Reschitz or Oláh Resitza) and Reșița Montană (Eisenwerk Reschitza, Deutsch-Reschitz, Német(h) Reschitza or Resiczbánya). Between the years 1910 and 1925, Reșița had the status of a rural area, and in 1925 it was declared a town thanks to its development to a powerful industrial location in modern Romania. In 1968 it became a municipality.
The picture on glass no. 2738 [left] shows a view of the
[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reșița, https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reșița,