Zlínský kraj Zlín region
Okres: Zlín  



de: Luhatschowitz
ru: Лугачовице sr: Лухачовице

0000 Luhačovice Luhačovice is situated at an elevation of 250 m in the valley of the Sťávnice river and is Moravia's largest spa town. The place was first mentioned in a document of 1412 as a possession of the castle of Lukov (Luggau). The mineral springs were first described in 1668; the spa was opened in 1789. The modern development started at the beginning of the 20th century. The waters from ten alkalimuriatic springs and one hydrogen sulphide spring are predominantly used for the treatment of respiratory, digestive and metabolic diseases. Many of the characteristic spa building date from the early 20th century and were built by the architect Dušan Jurkovič who was inspired by Wallachian folk architecture.

505 Luhačovice 195 Luhačovice 3671 Luhačovice
The first five glasses show views of the 'spa square' (Lázeňské náměstí) with the music pavillon.

4753 Luhačovice

3252 Luhačovice

3958 Luhačovice 189 Luhačovice
The Mineralní lázně (Kurhaus; spa house) [left, no. 3958, and right, no. 189], also named Janův dům (Jan's House) after the spa's owner, Jan Nepomuk Serény, was built in 1822 by Franz Wasitschek.

4239 Luhačovice

4000 Luhačovice
Although glass no. 4000 [left] is labeled Lázeňska kolonáda ('spa collonade'), the building could be indentified as the spa restaurant by comparison with old postcards from Luhačovice. The round inscription on the first floor of the buildings corner thus reads PRVNÍ / LÁZEŇSKÁ / RESTAURACE / BEDŘ. HAVELKA, i.e. 'First Spa Restaurant Bedřích (Frederick) Havelka'.

2895 Luhačovice 2895 Luhačovice 2895 Luhačovice
Glass no. 2895 [left] shows views from several spa hotels (from left to right):

Hotel Kocian [left picture: left],
Augustiánský dům [left picture: right; also no. 3869, below left],

Villa Vlasta [middle picture: top left; also no. 3313, below right],
Jestřabí [middle picture: top right],

Ca' Olga [right picture: top left],
Villa Praha [right picture: right].

4166 Luhačovice 3313 Luhačovice
Glass no. 4166 [left] is decorated by the same picture as depicted on the right side of glass no. 2895 [above], with the only difference that the villa depicted in the foreground right is identified as Villa Vlastimila.

3869 Luhačovice
Augustiánský dům is also depicted on glass. no. 3869 [near left].

Villa Vlasta is also depicted on glass. no. 3313 [right].

3957 Luhačovice
Glass no. 3957 [left] shows a view of four of the many spa villas: in the foreground Villa Helena and Villa Luisa, and in the background Villa Vlasta and Villa Riva.

4594 Luhačovice
Villa Merkur [near left, no. 4594] was built in the early 20th century. Currently (as of 2024) it is being converted to an appartment building.

1742 Luhačovice
The Jurkovič House was built in 1901–1902 by the architect Dušan Jurkovič. It replaced the original Jan's House of 1822. The new building is the key structure of Dušan Jurkovič erected in Luhačovice. A thorough overhaul was carried out between the years 2000 and 2002.

395 Luhačovice
The Inhalatorium was built in 1922–1923 by the architects Josef Skřivánek and Jan Vodňaruk in classicizing modernist style with formal atributes to Czech cubist architecture. Truly remarkable are some of the technical furnishings preserved from the pioneering period of spa treatment (e.g. working decompression chambers made of lead featuring pressure-resistant windows and door seals including measuring equipment). Jan's spring (Janovka) comes to surface inside the Inhalatorium. At the time of completion, it was one of the largest inhalation facilities in Europe owing to the spa's specialization in inhalation treatment of the upper respiratory tract.

396 Luhačovice
Villa Austria [left, no. 396: top picture] was built in 1884–1886 for Mr. Seichert, pharmacist and operator of a mineral water shipping company. The architect is unknown. The building is still a residential house with a pharmacy. There is a new art gallery on the ground floor.

4289 Luhačovice 4401 Luhačovice 201 Luhačovice 456 Luhačovice
Dům Bedřicha Smetany [far left, no. 4289, near left, no. 4401, near right, no. 456, far right: no. 201] was built in 1908–1909 in geometrical Art Nouveau style by the architect Emil Králik. Following major repairs carried out in 1993-1995, the building has continued to serve as an upscale hotel.

0000 Luhačovice
Glass no. 0000 [near left] also shows a view of the spa administration to the left of Dům Bedřicha Smetany.

3413 Luhačovice 4534 Luhačovice
The Palace Hotel [near left, no. 3413, and right, no. 4534] (originally named Palace Hotel Drtílek) was built in 1926–1928 and is a dominant feature of the spa town. It was originally named for businessman Antoní Drtílk who had come to Luhačovice in 1910 and had initiated the building of this hotel. The hotel capacity was 300 guests and the hotel restaurant served up to a thousand meals a day. After a bankruptcy, the hotel was auctioned off in 1933. During World War II the hotel served as a recreational place for fascists and German mothers; after the war it was converted into a spa bath and after a demanding reconstruction it turned into a sanatorium in 1951. Today, the Palace Hotel again operates as a 4* wellness hotel.

113 Luhačovice
The Community House was built in 1933–1935 by the architect František Roith. The building gave the spa a large hall for socializing and other glamorous facilities where guests could enjoy their free time. In spite of obvious Functionalist features, the building's design is very "classicist" and attests to the architect's strong feelings for pre-war Modernism and Monumentalism as well as for superb details close to Art Deco aesthetics. The building is still used for hosting social events in its social and gastronomical parts as well as in its accommodation part.

3261 Luhačovice
The convalescent home Arco (zotavovna Arco) [left], (today the Morava Spa House) was designed by the architect J. L. Holzl in the 1920s.

666 Luhačovice
Hydrotherapeutic Baths (?), built in 1901–1902 by Dušan Jurkovič.

4020 Luhačovice
The Miramonte spa [near left, no. 4020] was built in 1928–1929 as a luxury hotel by the architect Vladimír Hejný, a pupil of the famous architect Josef Gočár. Later on, the building was used as a military hospital, and since 1960 is serves as a specialised hospital for children with respiratory problems.

4178 Luhačovice
Glass no. 4179 [left] shows a view of Villa Chaloupka, which was rebuilt from a previous kitchen house towards the end of the 19th century. The architect Dušan Jurkovič created it for his friend Cyril Holuby, spa inspector in Luhačovice from 1902 until 1918, and spa director in Tatranská Lomnica (SK) from 1918 until his death in 1919.
[https://www.stareluhacovice.cz/; https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyril_Holuby]

4753 Luhačovice
Glass no. 4753 [near left] shows a view of the Hydrotherapy institute (Vodoléčebný ústav). The institute was established in 1902 by rebuilding the Jestřabský mill, which itself was first mentioned already in 1710. The hydrotherapy institute was opened in the first spa season and hydrotherapy was offered here in the form of dives, wraps, bubble baths, steam baths and Scottish sprays.

4253 Luhačovice

[http://www.lazneluhacovice.cz/en/spa-architecture.php, http://www.luhacovice.cz/en/24743-history]

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