Bundesland: Oberösterreich Upper Austria
Bezirk: Grieskirchen  


Bad Schallerbach

lt: Bad Šalerbachas
ru: Бад-Шаллербах

281 Bad Schallerbach 197 Bad Schallerbach The market and spa town Bad Schallerbach is situated at an elevation of 306 m in the valley of the river Trattnach in the district Grieskirchen of Upper Austria. The municipality has a population of about 4,100 (2017) and consists of the borroughs Bad Schallerbach, Gebersdorf and Schönau.

Sconau was forst mentioned in 1142, Scalbach was first mentioned in a document of 1190. The municipality was created in 1850 and was named Schönau. The railroad from Wels to Passau was opened in 1861. The hot (37–39°C) sulphur springs was discovered incidentally in 1918 during petroleum drilling works. The first therapy facilities for the treatment of rheumatic diseases opened in 1921. Schallerbach received the official status of a spa in 1924. The name of the municipality was changed to Bad Schallerbach in 1938. The status of a market town was obtained in 1946. In 1958, the neighbouring community of Neuwallern was incorporated into the municipality of Bad Schallerbach.

The church Sankt Magdalena on the Magdalenaberg hill [left, no. 281: top left] was built between 1398 and 1423 in Gothic style.

060 Bad Schallerbach 605 Bad Schallerbach 435 Bad Schallerbach
079 Bad Schallerbach 930 Bad Schallerbach 4050 Bad Schallerbach
3106 Bad Schallerbach 3107 Bad Schallerbach Glasses no. 079, 930, 4050 [above], and 3106 and 3107 [left and near right] show a view of the provisional bathhouse, labeled on the building Bad Schallerbach / Provisorisches Badehaus. This first spa house opened in 1922.
3106 Bad Schallerbach

[https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bad_Schallerbach, http://www.bad-schallerbach.at/unsere-gemeinde/geschichte.html; https://www.vitalwelt.at/eurotherme-bad-schallerbach/artikel/detail/5070/100-jahre-quelle-geschichte-feier-kur-bad-schallerbach-vitalwelt.html]

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